FESTAC SPOTS – Meet these restaurant power couples


 On this episode of Festac Spots we present to you couples in Food business in our community-
Bayo and Doja Olorunfemi, Co-founders ‘BD AMORY  KITCHEN.

What is the best part about working together?

Bayo : Having to communicate with each other
Doja: Accomodating each other

Where you ever worried this business will affect your relationship?

Bayo: No, Never
Doja: No,- Always knew it will help us grow stronger

Who cooks more at home?

Bayo: My wife

What is the biggest hurdle you’ve faced in this business?

Our biggest challenge has been trying to satisfy numerous customers and I can bet you it has been an awesome experience.

What is unique about your restaurant?

The conducive environment and Fresh Home Made Food.

Can you convince the reader to start patronizing your restaurant in less than 20 sentences?

We pride ourself in providing excellent customer experience. Please come and enjoy our Freshly Home Made Food at BD Amory (1st Avenue, C Close House 7 Festac Town).

If you had one piece of advice for an aspiring food entrepreneur what would it be?

Bayo: Be prepared for the unexpected, Everyday comes with its challenges

Doja: Put God First and Trust Him always.

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