Private chat between Linda Ejiofor and Ibrahim Suleiman melt hearts



Actor Ibrahim Suleiman and his actress wife Ihuoma Linda Ejiofor have melted hearts after their private chat popped up online.

Social media users were envious of the actress and mother of one when she posted screenshots of her conversations with her husband.

She posed the question in the chats, “Am I your sunrise or sunset?” to which the actor replied affectionately.

Ibrahim Suleiman who already suspected the question to be a tricky one said Linda Ejiofor is his sunshine. When she further probed on who is his sunset, Suleiman gave a response that had Linda hailing him.

Linda Ejiofor and husband, Ibrahim Suleman

Colleagues and admirers of the Nollywood couple were enthralled by their conversation.

See the following snapshot for the conversation and responses to it:

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