Man faces dilemma as ex-girlfriend wants second chance after dumping him over job loss



A man is in a dilemma as his ex-girlfriend who left him after he lost his job returns, following his new relationship with her friend.

The man recounted that he and his ex-girlfriend had had issues mostly involving money.

Man in deep thoughts.

She had shown him more affection during moments when he seemed to have cash, and less so when he didn’t.

Their relationship had suffered a break when the guy lost his job and she decided to dump him.

Fortune found him when he began dating his ex-girlfriend’s friend, and he got a new job.

His ex who had left him opines that her friend betrayed her while begging him for a second chance.

Read the full story below …

“I’m a 27-year-old guy, and I want to share my story and ask for your advice. I started dating a new girl four months ago, though we have known each other for a long time but were not very close before.

Before this new relationship, I was dating another girl. Whenever I faced financial problems or tough times, she changed her behavior towards me. As long as I had money from my salary, she was happy, but when my financial situation changed, so did she.

She wasn’t working when we met, but even after she got a job as an Office Assistant, she kept making demands for things like hair, upkeep, clothes, and phones. I tried my best to provide for her, but whenever I had trouble keeping up, we would have quarrels.

I dated this girl for three years until I lost my job. When that happened, she started talking harshly to me and sometimes wouldn’t even pick up my calls. When I asked her for money because I was in need, she bluntly told me she had nothing to give me. Despite all this, I remained calm.

One afternoon, she came to my place, packed her things, and told me she was tired of dating. The pain I felt that day was indescribable.

Three weeks later, I was walking in my area when I ran into her friend. This friend knew I was dating her, and she asked why she hadn’t seen me in a while. We talked for about 30 minutes, and I explained what had happened. She had to go somewhere, but she said she would call me in the evening.

That evening, she called, and we spoke for hours. Two days later, she called again and asked where I was. I told her I was at home, and she said she was coming over. She arrived in a taxi with food items and other things. We talked a lot that evening, and I started to like her. Since then, we have become very close.

I proposed to her four months ago, and she gladly accepted. We started dating, and around two months before this, I got a new job with a much better salary than the first one. This new relationship has been sweet and peaceful, and I am much happier now.

But just two weeks ago, my ex-girlfriend called me, asking why I was dating her friend. I told her I didn’t owe her any explanation. She then said she wanted to see me. When we met, she apologized and said she missed me. We talked for a while and then parted ways. Her mum also called me saying she wants to see me…i went…she knelt before me crying and all that and her mum asked me to forgive her…i didn’t know what to say cos me sef i was a bit sad…her mum says she won’t do that again and that i should just forget and forget so we move on…i later left…

Since then, she has started calling me a lot. Despite everything, I still care about her, but I don’t want to go back to her or have anything to do with her. She says her friend betrayed her, but I told her that her friend did nothing wrong. She now wants to come back, but I want to focus on my new girlfriend.

Bra, I need your advice. How should I handle this situation?”

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