Ever wondered how you would survive with the little income you make? Or have you wondered how you could multiply the little you make to cater for your ever increasing needs and responsibilities? Then you should consider making INVESTMENTS. Investments involve buying or creating an asset with the expectation of capital appreciation, dividends (profit), interest earnings, rents, or some combination of these return (Wikipedia).
First thing to consider in making investments is that you have to make sure you invest in something you understand. If you can’t clearly explain what you’re investing in to someone else so they can understand it, then you don’t need to invest in it. Next, you must select the right investment account plan for yourself. These include Taxable Account, Individual Retirement Account. Avoid investing in very few stocks. It’s like putting all your eggs in one basket. Evaluate different investment plans; ETF index, mutual funds, individual stocks. Then you find the investment company that most suitably fits your plans. Each company has different prices, different interest percentages, etc. Finally, you open your investment account.
After opening your account, all you have to do is WAIT. Wait to see your money multiply. Make sure you keep up with putting money in your accounts, at least 15% of your regular income, keeping up to date with changes in the stock market. Do not be too conservative with your investments. Nothing more secure than having and experienced investment personnel as a good friend or confidant.
See you on the path to wealth.