Man goes missing after climbing Mount Everest



A 39-year-old British man, Daniel Paterson has reportedly gone missing after successfully summiting Mount Everest.

Paterson, accompanied by his 23-year-old Nepali guide, Pastenji Sherpa reached the summit at approximately 4:40 AM on May 21st.

However, during the descent, he disappeared, prompting concerns about his safety.

According to Becks Woodhead, Paterson’s climbing partner, the descent went awry, and despite efforts to locate him, there has been no contact or sighting of him since.

Woodhead expressed the possibility that Paterson may have fallen into an area where he is untraceable, highlighting the treacherous conditions climbers face on Everest, particularly above 8,000 meters where oxygen levels are dangerously low.

In a statement to the press, Woodhead said;

“On May 21st, at 4:40 AM, Daniel Paterson successfully reached the summit of Mount Everest. Tragically, during his descent, Daniel went missing, and there has been no contact or sighting of him since.”

“It has become apparent that the position regarding the search operation has changed over the course of the weekend.

“We are desperate to bring Dan home, but rest assured we are exploring all options to ensure the donations are used wisely.”

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