My Artwork is a Form of Self Expression – IKYELEVE DAVID (Festacpreneur)


Festac Town known for its cultural and artistic heritage hereby presents one of its entrepreneur David Ikyeleve Terhemba.

My artwork is a form of self-expression, expression of  my five senses. It could be realism – realistic expression of nature that is, plants, people, landscape, and environment. Also my art work could be expressed in abstract form that is non objective.
Festacpreneur – David

Who is David Ikyeleve Terhemba?

My state of origin is Benue State, I am the only son of a family of six and I am the second born.
Our family relocated to Festac Town from Agege in 1992.

Tell us a little about your art work?

My art work is a form of self- expression, expression of  my five senses. It could be realism – realistic expression of nature that is, plants, people, landscape, and environment. Also my art work could be expressed in abstract form, that is, non objective. I also practice live drawings (nude studies).I draw my inspiration from personal experience, other peoples experience, dreams and omen. I enjoy telling stories through my art work.

On Family influence?

My dad influenced my decision to study Economics in Ahmadu Bello University, 2005. However, I had always known I would be an artist, even from my childhood days. In 2007, i dropped out of school to be admitted to study creative Arts in University of Lagos, with a major in visual Arts, even though now i major in Painting.

What is your plan on giving back to Festac?

I am of the view to organize an art show quarterly to pupils in schools and the general public at large

On Festac Community Influence?

I had benefited from the art market in Festac through commissions and this has trained me to be a professional even before being admitted into school, there’s a large artistic hunger from people living in Festac Town.

On Trainning and Mentorship?

When it comes to training and mentor-ship, that depends on the depth of interest of the trainee. After graduating from University of Lagos last year, my supervisor Professor Mrs. Peju ‘Layiwola of the department of  Creative Arts recruited me as an instructor for  four months.

Furthermore, thee sculptural art works i’m currently working on now are the sculptures of three children – two girls and a boy – kneeling down while praying. It would be displayed on the altar of the cathedral church – Our Lady of Fatima.

“In conclusion, i’ll like to butress the fact that interest is a key element in talent”.

My contact informations are

E.mail –,

Mobile Number – 07033734513

Studio Address – 3rd Avenue, F’ Close, House 17.


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